Gears of War: E-Day
Community Wishlist
Share your ideas for Gears of War: E-Day! Whether it’s about the campaign, multiplayer or in-game mechanics, let your ideas be heard by the community and the world!
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The Community Wishlist
Senor Rosas
I'm hoping for an Xbox Series X Gears of War Limited Edition Console with 2 Limited Edition Controllers :D
I want to see some beast mode. Some type of game mode that has Locust vs COG that's not versus.
Gears of War 3 Horde Mode as an Option. Exactly how it was in Gears 3.
The Baba Jaga
Good movement, the best game modes (KOTH) but most importantly fix the multiplayer lag/connection. In Gears 5 some games you get everyone with one shot and most games those hits do around 7% damage. This is what annoys people the most.
Maybe a possibility to host public games like back in the first Gears Of War.
Maybe a possibility to host public games like back in the first Gears Of War.
I want to see all the OG characters
I really hope they stick with the good old couch co-op mode! Played every Gears game so far with my SO, hopefully we get to play this one as well!
zero monkey2005
I'd love to see beast mode make a comeback in Gears E-day.
Maybe Dom has a brother…
WD Hawkeye
Since E-Day is all about Emergence Day, I'd like to see TC implement Emergence holes into Horde to some capacity. Perhaps a timer that tells you how many waves until an E-Hole appears under your base. Forcing you to move around instead of hunkering down in one spot.
I'd love to see the Ragers back!